Code Of Hammurabi
It was and you can see the parts, Religion, Military service, Trade, Slavery, The duties of workers and the Code of conduct.
Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, developed the code of law there.
King Hammurabi. He wrote the Hammurabi´s code, which contained 282 laws and was carved in a 2.4 meter stone in 1750 b.c
the Code of Hammurabi
Hammurabi's code not only regulated punishments for sins, but also regulated civil laws, such as prices, wages, commercial dealings, marital relationships, and conditions of slavery.
the trade between mayor cities.
Hammurabi had his laws codified in one writing. In this case, they were carved into stone. The code was divided into Religion, Military service, Trade, Slavery, The duties of workers and the Code of conduct.
they made the code of Hammurabi and the amazing trade
the ten commandments have 681 laws the code of Hammurabi has 282 laws
The code of Hammurabi?
the hammurabi code
Code Of Hammurabi
It was and you can see the parts, Religion, Military service, Trade, Slavery, The duties of workers and the Code of conduct.
It was his code he was the author.
Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, developed the code of law there.
Hammurabi is known for being the maker of the code of Hammurabi