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Q: What is the value of a 311.841680 Franklin fireplace or stove?
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The value of an Early American Franklin Fireplace can vary depending on its condition, age, and specific design. Generally, these fireplaces are considered valuable as historical artifacts and can fetch a high price at auctions or through antique dealers. It is recommended to have it appraised by a professional to determine its exact worth.

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If it is a colder region then a fireplace is a significant asset to add to the house and also increase the selling value. A hotter place will already be too hot for any extra heat.

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Fireplaces Adding Value To The Home?

Fireplace Design TipsIf you own a fireplace, it not only adds value to your home if you want to sell it, but it saves you money during the year. A fireplace does not normally use electricity, unless it is a propane or electric fireplace. The fireplace sits in a corner of the living room or den and adds a bit of fine detail to the entire home. A brick fireplace adds more value than other fireplaces. Smaller houses will do fine with a small, basic brick fireplace. Larger fireplaces can go a little larger with a few more details in the fireplace. A raised fireplace with an ornate decoration on the top edge is more expensive than smaller fireplaces. The larger the fireplace is, the more upkeep you will have. If the home has large ceilings, larger fireplaces make a grander appearance than if they were smaller. A nice painting behind the fireplace adds a touch of beauty to the room as well. During the holidays, you can add decorations such as garland and lights to make it look warmer to those who visit the home. Gates surrounding the fireplace not only add to the overall appearance, but they keep the area around the fireplace clean as well.