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The USS Maine in Havana Harbor on 15 February 1898.

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Q: What mysterious sinking fueled the movement for war with Spain?
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What influenced President McKinley's decision to declare war on Spain?

Because of the mysterious sinking of the USS Maine.

Why was McKinley forced to go to war with Spain?

The sinking of the USS Maine under mysterious circumstances was blamed on Spain. It may have been an internal explosion.

What incident became the final push towards war between US and Spain?

The mysterious sinking of the USS Maine.

What is the cause of the Spanish American War?

Spanish-American war was an armed conflict between Spain and United States of America in 1898. It was a result of American involvement in Cuban War of Independence and American attacks on Spanish possessions globally.

What incident led to Congress's declaring war on Spain?

The Sinking of the USS Maine.

What happened first the American Declaration of war on Spain or the sinking of Maine?

The sinking of the Maine came first.

Why was the sinking of the Maine significant?

Because the unexplained explosion was used as a catalyst to precipitate the US and Spain into a war.

What were the causes and effects of the Spanish American War?

The underlying cause of the Spanish American War was US public support for Cuban independence. The triggering event was the mysterious sinking of the USS Maine on 15 February 1898 which led to a declaration of War. The net effect of the War was Cuban Independence and the loss of Spain's New World Empire.

What event directly led the US to declare war with Spain?

The Cuban struggle for Independence and the sinkiing of the USS Maine.

How did the Spanish-American War happen?

the U.S supported Cuban rebels fighting for their independence from Spain. U.S expansionists saw the war as a chance to take control of spanish territories.It resulted from a sympathetic media and public that supported Cuban Independece and as the trigger point was the mysterious sinking of the USS Maine.Because of the quest for Cuban Independence. The USS Maine exploded and the Yellow Journalists blamed it on Spain so the Yellow Journalists inflamed the situation and then Congress declared war.The media and the US public supported the Cuban Independence movement. The Cubans were in open revolt with their Spanish masters and a ship to Havana Harbor in case an evacuation of Americans was required. The ship exploded and mysteriously sank. The Spanish were blamed and the war began.

What fueled the movement for Latin American independence?

the revolutions in north America and France. (pg 223 of glencoe boehm world geography book)

What prompted the U.S. to go to war with Spain?

The sinking of the U.S.S Main.