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The Federalist party grew out of Hamilton's view of a strong federal government.

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Alexander Hamilton formed the Federalist party.

(Federalist Party)

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The Federalist party

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Q: What party were formed by the supporters of Alexander Hamilton?
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What party was formed by supporters of Alexander Hamilton?


In response to Alexander Hamilton's financial policies two political parties came into existence during the presidency of George Washington Hamilton supporters formed the party?

the two parties were the federalists and the anti-federalists. hamilton supporters were members of the federalist party The whiskey rebellion

Who were the main supporters of the federalists in the newly emerged two party systems?

The Federalist Party was formed by Alexander Hamilton in 1792. The second President of the United States, John Adams, was the country's only Federalist president.

Which party formed in the 1790s to support the policies of Alexander Hamilton?

Federalist Party

Who were the fedralist?

The federalists were Hamilton supporters that were mostly made up of artisans, merchants, manufacturers, and bankers.

What was Alexander Hamilton's polΓ­tical party?

Alexander Hamilton was a federalists

What was the name of the political party formed by Alexander Hamilton and what were the five beliefs of the party?

The name of the party formed by Alexander Hamilton was the Federalist party. The five beliefs of the party were that there should be a strong national government, a fear of mob rule, a loose interpretation of the Constitution, wanted a national bank, and the economy was based upon manufacturing and shipping.

What is Federalists?

Federalist are the supporters of a strong centralized government. Some individuals like Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock and John Jay are members of the Federalist Party.

What third party formed for supporters of the abolition movement?

the republican party

To what political party did President Hamilton belong?

Alexander Hamilton was never elected US President, although he may have aspired to the position. He was the first Secretary of the Treasury and leader of the Federalist Party.

What political party supported the creation of the bank of US and the Jay Treaty?

Alexander Hamilton began the Federalist Party which supported a strong central government and a national bank

Why did Hamilton's party became known as the federalist?

Hamilton's supporter's formed the federalist party.