Pilate was not Emperor, he was Governor.
The role of Pontius Pilate role as a leader at that time was, that he was a governor of that province.
In the ground.
Pontius Pilate was a citizen of Rome he was appointed by the emperor to hold Judea and is responsible for the allowing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Pilate washed his hands, not wrung them.
The Chief Priests and Elders took Jesus to Pontius Pilate. Pontius Pilate was the Roman official who governed Palestine.
Pontius Pilate was the leader. But the Palestinians were mainly the people to occupy Palestine.
ist ac....... A: Pontius Pilate was a governor of Judea around 26-36AD. The area was named Palestine by the Romans sometime after the Jewish rebellion and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple around 70AD.
No, He didn't. He saw Caesar's representative in Palestine, Pontius Pilate.
Pontius Pilote
Jesus and two robbers were crucified by Pontius Pilate.
Yes Pontius Pilate was married, as it was his wife who told him not to have anything to do with Jesus.
Pilate was not Emperor, he was Governor.
The role of Pontius Pilate role as a leader at that time was, that he was a governor of that province.
Pontius Pilate was the Roman official who reluctantly sentenced Jesus to death.
Pontius Pilate was the Roman officer who was responsible for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Roman governor Pontius Pilate had a tattoo of an angel across his back.