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Q: What position would this object be on a viking ship?
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Related questions

How many people would have been on a viking longship?

depends on the size of the ship. A viking long ship would have 20 to 40 oars and it would have 1 man to an oar. But they did it in turns so nobody knows exactly.

When was the first Viking ship built?

in the viking times ...

What would a viking ship need to have?

flag, seat, sailing boot, and poles

What items would have been on a viking ship?

Wood, paddles, and a lot of hairy men.

Did leif erikson have a ship?

I do not know what ship Leif Erikson sailed on but I can tell you it was not the Santa Maria

Did vikings give their ships names?

many viking ships had names given to them by their respective Jarls or ship-masters as per viking culture they would typically have names that would be fearsome or notable such as silver-wolf wave tamer storm rider wyrm breath sometimes even the wood used in the building could be a defining feature due to the colouring of the wood IE silver-wolf would be ideal for a ship that used a pale wood or wyrm breath for a ship that used a reddish wood but their where no specific name categories for viking ships unless you look at famous viking which then it may give you their ship names

What are the trading ship of a viking?


How a viking long ship was assembled?

it was it was

What is the name of the viking ship?


What bird the vikings use to help them find land?

crow.if a viking ship was lost at see they would use a crow to help them find land.the crow would most likely have been hungry andwould fly to land in search of food.the viking ship would follow.

What was the name of William the Conqueror's ship?

His ship was called Centre Thorvald Viking Ship.

What is is the largest ship afloat?

Jahre Viking, crude oil tanker