for resons that i dont know somebody else answer this right now so i can get an A
They serve the same purpose as T.V or movies. They are a form of entertainment.
act purpose
No object serves no purpose, though objects serve a purpose when they are needed. An object that serves no purpose is one that is not needed at the time; however, there would come a time when it did serve a purpose.Synonyms for something that serves no purpose are superfluous, unnecessary, needless, or excrescent.
If you are referring to the phrase "To serve a purpose" then it would mean to give a use for. For example, A pencil holder cup serves a purpose to a pencil... the pencil give the holder purpose and that purpose is to hold the pencil. Basically it means, that something has a use... there is a reason/intended use for this thing.
The purpose of the Indian Removal Act was to take the Indians to the land west of the Mississippi River.
a place for people to get drunk and play cards
Cats may dip their paws in water to explore or play, but it can also serve a practical purpose of cooling down on hot days or cleaning themselves.
What purpose does silicone serve in conditioners
Antonyms are words that are opposites. An antonym for the word "play" would be "work." To work is to act physically or mentally with a purpose, while to play is to act solely for one's own amusement.
The musicians and clown are used first for comic relief and later for foreshadowing.
The hub is a device for connecting multiple ethernet devices together and making them act as a single network segment.
It was invented to play music, like guitar, mandolin. Many people like its sound.
They serve the same purpose as T.V or movies. They are a form of entertainment.
Serve as preservatives.
The purpose is the toilet.
What is a purpose of an act having definations
the purpose is to show our freedom