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Its a Meso American culture developed in Tula where the famous Aztecs created beautiful pieces that are internationally awed. They painted several sculptures, hieroglyphics, and other type of visual expressions to communicate with another.

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Q: What type of culture is known as Toltec?
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Why was Toltec important to the Aztec?

The Toltec culture was important because the Aztec culture saw the Toltecs as their intellectual and cultural predessors and described Toltec culture as the epitome of civilization. Soure: Wikipedia

What were some of the Toltec symbols?

Some Toltec symbols include the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl, the jaguar as a symbol of power and strength, and the double-headed serpent as a representation of duality. Other symbols in Toltec art and culture include the sun, the moon, and various geometric designs.

What kind of government did the toltec have?

There is not much known about the militaristic aristocracy of the Toltec government's conquests. They had high regard for skills that related to craftsmanship and fighting.

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What has the author Martha Molitor written?

Martha Molitor has written: 'The Hohokam-Toltec connection' -- subject(s): Case studies, Culture diffusion, Hohokam culture, Toltecs

Did the toltec culture sacrifice?

ABSOLUTELY! That's what the later Aztec civilization was based off of; their practices which included immensely sacrifices.

What was the Toltecs' religion?

The Toltecs were a Native American Culture that followed their own distinct set of beliefs, their own Toltec Religion as it were.

What types of food did the toltec's people eat?

The Toltec ate Maize, corn, squash, and beans. They also ate Maguey, a type of cacti. They ate amaranth, types of chillis, and beans.

Where did the toltec people live and what did they live in?

where did the toltec live in

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the toltec?

the toltec build a great city states

Can you give a sentence for archaeology from visiting Toltec mounds?

I learned a lot about archaeology from visiting Toltec mounds! I was visiting the Toltec mounds in Central America, and I saw a team of archaeologists.