the lightning rod
He really discovered that electricity could be contained by his lightning rod invention.
Other people might think that bifocals were his most important invention. Or maybe the Franklin stove. They all are really important.
It really depends on what your opinion is. Benjamin Franklin's most famous discovery would probably be electricity because it is used 24/7 around the world, but his most famous invention is probably the bi-focal glasses worn by millions around the world.
the invention that he was most famous for was the kite experiment which included the lighting rod or the key on the kite
synthetic cortisone.
Benjamin Franklin.
Benjamin Bannekar Floyd Williams
He wrote his autobiography which is one of the most important works in American literature
He was most known for his inventions. his most famous invention was the pacemaker
George Westinghouse most famous invention was air brakes he invented air brakes in 1868
Probably the most famous invention by a child was "braille."
Benjamin Franklin
The most famous British invention show is called the British Invention Show (BIS). It is the UK's largest design and innovation exhibition, and runs at the end of October.
The wheel.
it was a telephone
The steamboat