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He sent U.S. warships to blockade Cuba
He sent U.S. warships to blockade Cuba.

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Q: What was President Kennedy's first move in the Cuban Missile Crisis?
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The President who resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis was?

President Kennedy is credited with resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis.President John F. Kennedy

What were the names of the leaders of the US during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

John F Kennedy was the president of the US at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

What man was associated with the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy

Who was the president during the Cuban missile crisis?

The Cuban President during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which began on October 12, 1962 and lasted for 12-days, was Osvaldo Dorticós Torrado, serving as Cuban President from July 17, 1959- December 2, 1976.

What about the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

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Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

What about the Cuban missile crisis is?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

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The Cuban missile crisis started on October 16, 1962

What do the Cubans call the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The missile crisis

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The Cuban missile crisis.

What about the Cuban missile crisis is true?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

What was the cause of the cuban missile crisis?

Soviets were establishing nuclear missile sites in Cuba.