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scarcity of native indian labor

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Q: What was a major reason for the importation of africans as slaves during the colonial period in latin America?
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Related questions

Did slave importation in colonial America decline in the 18th century?

yes! slave importation declined during the 18th century due to the Royal Africa Company losing its monopoly.

How colonial ideology of racism facilitated colonial domination oppression exploitation of africans societies during the colonial period?

1996 1996

Which was an economic development in Caribbean countries during early European colonial rule?

Scarcity of labor led to the importation of African slaves.

What did Europeans forced Africans to grow?

Europeans forced Africans to grow cash crops such as cotton, sugar, coffee, and tobacco on plantations during the colonial era. These crops were in high demand in Europe and were used to generate wealth for the colonial powers.

Who had more natural resources during the colonial era North America or Latin America?

Latin America.

When did the slaves come to the Bahamas?

The slave trade in the Bahamas began in the late 1600s when the British brought enslaved Africans to work on plantations. The peak period of slave importation occurred in the 18th century during the heyday of the British colonial sugar industry in the Caribbean.

Why did europeans enter America during the colonial times?

They wanted to colonize it.

What did people drink during Colonial America?

your moms tit milk

How did Catholics get to America?

During colonial times most arrived on ships.

When did African clothing move to America?

The clothing came to America in the 1800s during slavery. The Africans tried to hold onto a their traditions as best as they could during slavery.

How did french colonies profit in the US during the colonial America?

They ate the English

Who led the revolutions in South America during the colonial period?

Simon Bolivar