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It was called "Dunking" or "trial by water"

No witches were ever found and the poor souls who were executed this way all supposedly made their way to their accusers idea of Heaven.

In Salem, those accused of witchcraft were given two options. One option was to submit to a trial, which consisted of tying the accused to a board and dunking the person in a "pure'' pond while the deacon slowly recited the Lord's Prayer three times. If the accused survived the dunking, the purity of the accused's soul was vindicated and he or she was set free; if the accused did not survive, guilt and sentence were simultaneously announced. No one recalled any acquittals as a result of this process.

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Q: What was it called in the days of the Salem witch trials if you floated you were a witch if you drowned you were human?
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What American town is famous for witch trials?

The American town famous for the Witch Trials (called the Salem Witch Trials) is Salem, Massachusetts.

What is the Salem witch tribes?

The Salem Witch Trials was in Salem, Massachusetts I believe where people were being accused of being witches and having the ability to perform magic. They sentenced these people to death and often would tie their feet to a brick and thought that if they floated they were capable of witchcraft. Now, this was a very stupid idea because everyone was human and they all drowned, so the townsfolk knew that they weren't capable of witchcraft, but if you drown, obviously you're dead. Pretty messed up times.

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Salem, Massachusets.

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No. How could a town founded 60 years after the trials ended have had them? The Salem Witch Trials took place in Salem, Massachusetts.

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Obviously, the Salem Witch Trials tried a very different crime. But, other than that, the Salem Trials were very much like a normal civil trial today.

Where the Salem witch trials started?

In Salem, Massachussets............. Salem Village

What city had witch trials in the 1690s?

They happened in Salem.

Were did the Salem witch trials start?

Salem, Massachusetts

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The Salem Witch Trials were a series of real historical events in Salem, Massaschusetts in 1692, NOT A STORY!