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In 1922 the section of the 1918 Education Act requring education of all kids without exception to receive education from 5 till at least 14 came into effect. Schools were mainly conventional chalk-and-talk schools and in many cities class sizes were large. The overwhelming majority of kids left school at age 14 and never returned to formal education.

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life was very tough for all kids

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Q: What were schools like in England in the 1920's?
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How was education in the 1920s different then today in Canada?

they had less laws and there class structure was different. They also didn't have computers like we do now and they had different technology for the classes. Also in the 1920s schools were segregated, which means black students had to go to a different school then did white students.

What are the difference between schools in India and England?

in England schools make to think but in India schools make to England many children like to study because the there the education will be interesting, understandable and etc. but in India no matter if u understand or not, u should only study, revise and write test and get good marks. in my experience England education is 100% better than the Indian education.

How many schools are there in England?

Jog on

Are the schools bad in England?


Which of the following major developments regarding juvenile crime took place in the 1920s?

In the 1920s, one major development regarding juvenile crime was the founding of the first juvenile court in the United States in Chicago in 1899, which marked a shift towards rehabilitation rather than punishment for juvenile offenders. Additionally, the 1920s saw an increase in efforts to address underlying social issues that contribute to delinquency, such as poverty and lack of education. The decade also saw the emergence of the child guidance movement, which focused on providing support and treatment for troubled youth to prevent future criminal behavior.