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Declaration of Independence was signed July 4th 1776 ( this is why we have 4th of July)

Constitution 1789

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Q: What was signed first constitution or declaration of independence?
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What is the importance of the Independence hall?

The Best AnswerIt held the first and second continental congresses, was where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and it was where the Constitution was signed as well.BBBLLLAAAAHHH

What 3 documents did Benjamin Franklin sign?

Benjamin (BEN) Franklin signed 4 important documents for the US. First, he signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He then signed the Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778. He then signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783. And lastly, he signed the US Constitution in 1787. Thankyou for reading, I hope this helped.

What came first the Declaration of Independence or the singing of the constitution?

the declaration of independence

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The Declaration of Independence was written first.

Was the treaty of Paris signed first than the declaration of independence?

The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, and the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783

What was the first capital city before the declaration of independence was signed?

There weren't capital cities since there were no "states" until 1789 when the Constitution was signed and Washington was the first President.

Which was the first state to sign the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

What was first written frame of government that became the forerunner of state constitution and us constitution?

The Declaration of Independence

What was written first the declaration o independence the articles of confederation or the us constitutions?

The Declaration of Independence, in 1776; then the Constitution, becoming effective in 1789

Was the Declaration of Independence a constitution?

It was not the first document written in America. The US did not come into being until the document was signed and ratified so in this sense it became the first document in the USA

What comes first George Washington's troops almost wiped out after winter at Valley Forge or the Declaration of Independence signed?

Declaration of independence signed!

Who signed the Declaration of Independence first second etc?

John Hancock was the first on to sign the Declaration of Independence. His signature is also the largest.