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Q: What was sitting bulls first weapon?
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What were chief sitting bulls achievements?

He did many terrific things like he killed his first bison at the age of 10

What was sitting bulls brothers name?

golden eagle

What was Sitting Bulls wife name?

Sitting Duck, since she was so easily killed after the battle

When was sitting bulls sister born?

new york citay

What did sitting bulls nickname mean?

it means fight to the death

Who was sitting bulls right-hand man?

Crazy Horse

Why did sitting bull go west?

He moved as there were few bulls, to South Dakota.

What is the best weapon to kill a rag head and 3 pit bulls?

Anything you can get your hands on.

What was sitting bulls goals?

this is not a good site to get on to get your answers from you can answer questions and add your own defenition!

Why was Sitting Bulls mother named Her-Holy-Door?

Sitting Bull's mother has that name because back in the days people used to name their child how they are and how they will be.