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{| |- | Berlin is located deep in the middle of what was Eastern Germany. The capital city of Berlin was split in two, with the US supporting the Western half and the USSR supporting the Eastern half. At one point, the USSR cut they only access to Western Berlin by blocking the train lines. The US airlifted supplies into the city for months and eventually the blockade was lifted. |}

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The effort to supply Berlin despite the Soviet blockade

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Allied planes brought supplies to Berlin for almost a year

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the Soviets made the Berlin Wall

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Q: What was the case of the Berlin airlift?
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What were obstacles for the berlin airlift of 1948?

The Berlin Blockade (Airlift) lasted from June 1948 till May 1949. After the end of the blockade the allies continued to airlift essentials into West Berlin to order to have a stockpile, just in case the blockade was renewed (which didn't happen).

What was NATO's role in the Berlin airlift?

Not so much NATO's role in the Berlin Airlift, but the Berlin Airlift in the role of the forming of NATO is more important.

In response to the blockade of Berlin the US and Great Britain?

Began to airlift supplies to Berlin (:A+

What action was it called when the Soviets blocked the Allies' access to Berlin and the US had to airlift in supplies?

The Berlin Airlift.

What is the population of Berlin during the Berlin Airlift-Blockade?

The population of West Berlin at the time of the blockade and airlift (1948-49) was about 2 million.

What happened to the Berlin blockade in 1948?

The Berlin Airlift

Is the Berlin airlift the same as the Berlin blockade?

No. The Soviets instituted the Berlin blockade, so the allies initiated the Berlin airlift to get supplies to civilians inside the blockaded city.

What was the outcome of the Berlin Airlift in May 1949?

The Berlin Airlift proved to the USSR the US would not let Berlin be cut off. The USSR wanted to starve Berlin into joining them.

Do you still use the Berlin airlift today?

No the Berlin airlift ended 1990.

US and British supply of necessities to Berlin?

Berlin Airlift

What was Operation Vittles?

It was a Berlin airlift.

Who was the president during the Berlin airlift?

Harry Truman was the president when the airlift foiled the Soviet blockade of West Berlin.