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Thomas Jefferson, a strict Constructionist, was the president who purchased the territory from France. In his point of view, he was not allowed to make land purchases for the country, but he did it anyway because it was a great deal.

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9y ago
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13y ago

Jefferson, and others, believed that the purchase of land by the national government was unconstitutional because there was nothing in the Constitution directly giving the government that power. Others convinced Jefferson that it was an "implied power" of the national government, just like Hamilton argued for the National Bank. Supporters of the purchase convinced Jefferson not to wait for an amendment to be passed because Napoleon might not wait that long before he sold it to some other nation.

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12y ago

Essentially the conflict over whether the purchase of the Louisiana Territory was constitutional or not was the power of the President. Jefferson's own party believed in states' rights more than a strong national government, so this was a blow to them. Their elected chief executive purchased Louisiana, a HUGE decision involving a lot of land the country would have to govern that was unexplored as well as a big price tag.

The whole argument is that Jefferson made the executive decision on buying Louisiana--not Congress, not the states, but the Federal government. The checks and balances of power were still developing as he was only the third president. :)

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14y ago

what constitutional question did the Louisiana purchase raise?

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8y ago

There was nothing in the constitution about buying land from Another Country. Many saw the purchase as the president over reaching his constitutional powers.

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9y ago

The main issue was if a president had the power to purchase land from France. He made the deal and then went to congress.

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The constitution didn't cover the purchase of land .

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Q: What was the constitutional debate concerning The Louisiana Purchase?
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What does The Louisiana Purchase have to do with slavery?

The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 did not have a direct impact on slavery, but it indirectly contributed to the expansion of slavery in the United States. The acquisition of the vast territory provided more land for agricultural purposes, which further fueled the demand for slave labor. As the country expanded westward, it intensified the debate between slave and free states and ultimately led to the Civil War.

In order to solve the debate over Missouri's admission to the Union Henry Clay proposed that?

A sensible compromise, whereby Missouri would be allowed to join the Union as a slave-state, but after that there would be no slavery allowed, North of the parallel that marked Missouri's Southern border, in any of the territories acquired through the Louisiana Purchase.

How did the Founding Fathers solve the problems at the convention?

The Founding Fathers used debate and compromise to solve problems at the Constitutional Convention. The convention was held in 1787.

What were the key rules at the Constitutional Convention?

The 2 most important rules of the Constitutional Convention were that the discussions would be kept secret and that delegates could reopen any issue for later debate. These rules facilitated relatively free and open discussion.

What is the name of the first computer game?

There is a lot of debate concerning this issue. Some say it's Alexander Douglas's 'OXO' ( tic-tac-toe ) and some that is it William Higinbotham's 'Tennis for Two'

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The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 did not have a direct impact on slavery, but it indirectly contributed to the expansion of slavery in the United States. The acquisition of the vast territory provided more land for agricultural purposes, which further fueled the demand for slave labor. As the country expanded westward, it intensified the debate between slave and free states and ultimately led to the Civil War.

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What area did president Jefferson authorized Robert Livingston and James Monroe to negotiate a deal with the French to purchase?

The president has the Constitutional power to negotiate treaties . It is not clear that a treaty that buys land is within his powers but Jefferson did it anyway and the Senate approved the purchase treaty after much debate.