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Camp Sumpter at Andersonville, Georgia was reputed to be the worst Confederate States run prison and Camp Rathbun at Elmira, New York the worst run by The United States. Both had similar overall death rates although Camp Rathbun exceeded Camp Sumpter in some months.

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the famous ciil war prison was the Andersonville Prison

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Q: What was the famous civil war prison?
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What was the civil war prison?

the famous ciil war prison was the Andersonville Prison

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It would have to Andersonville during the American Civil War.

What was the infamous prison in the south called?

Andersonville Prison was a very famous prison in the south during the Civil War period. This prison was infamous for its brutal treatment of captured soldiers.

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What was the famous Civil War prison located in Georgia that housed over 45000 Union soldiers?

Andersonville, Georgia

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