The Kamikaze pilot flew his plane into US ships on a suicide mission .
the kamikaze pilots were japenese pilots that purposely crashed there planes into allied ships, commiting suicide.
A Samurai's job was to serve and if the time came die for his lord. A Kamikaze pilot's job was to die for his country.
Japanese Rear Admiral Masafumi Arima came up with the concept of the suicidal Kamikaze tactic but it was Vice Admiral Takijiro Onishi that formed the first attack squadron .
Two captured by the USS TOKEN on May 27 ,1945.
The purpose of a Kamikaze was to fly his plane into the enemy and afflict the most damage possible. The reason why they were and are heroes is simply because they sacrificed their lives when becoming a Kamikaze pilot.
The Kamikaze pilot flew his plane into US ships on a suicide mission .
There weren't any kamikaze pilots in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
His radio earphones were in the helmet.
the kamikaze pilots were japenese pilots that purposely crashed there planes into allied ships, commiting suicide.
One pilot. One warship.
A Japanese suicide pilot during WWII
To sacrifice for their country. They purposely crash into pilot planes into enemy ships.
To sacrifice for their country. They purposely crash into pilot planes into enemy ships.
A Samurai's job was to serve and if the time came die for his lord. A Kamikaze pilot's job was to die for his country.
A kamikaze was a Japanese pilot who would crash his plane into US Warships. It was a suicide mission of course, but they felt like they had to do whatever they could to win.