The Pomo Indians used beers claws, deers antlers.
The Wampanoag Indians used bows, arrows, and heavy wooden clubs. They made fishing poles, shovels, and many other tools as well.
The Eastern Woodlands Indians main resource was trees. The trees were used to make canoes, shelters, carving tools, and weapons for wood.
Cultural interactions between the American Indians who brought Christianity to the new world included trade, exchange of crops,and transportation of weapons and other farm tools .
They used them as pieces of tools such as knives picks spears any thing they could to make their lives easier also to show off their game as we do today. They also used them in medicine.
the weapons tools and utensils used by amazonian south amerincan indians were sex tools forks
crow indians beliefs, religions and culture
the apalachee indians hunters used bows and arrows. the warriors used spears,tomahawks and war clubs. the fishermen used spear.the women used clay pots,and hoes.hope that helps ;)
Eat the pudding its always pudding
The Pomo Indians used beers claws, deers antlers.
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They used buffalo horns for spoons,knives,weapons,screws,and many other tools.
Why did the Cherokee Indians use bones and rocks
Some of them, others they had to trade for.