YES IT IS A MEDIEVAL TOWN . IT was built by the saxo0ns
A burg is an ancient or medieval fortress or walled town; or just a town or city.
Watchmen, guards, and other common soldiers would have had basic inexpensive weapons. For a town watchman this might have been as basic as a large sturdy knife. Other inexpensive weapons include spears and other pole arms such as a guisearm.
Yes. Churches and cathedrals were the main building in medieval towns and cities. The market square was usually built around them. Even today in cities and towns that existed in the medieval period you can see the basic layout of the city and streets from that time. --- The single distinguishing (as opposed to dominant) feature of a medieval town was the presence of a permanent market. A town could have more than one church, and when it did, it was sometimes the case that neither was really dominant. A village, by contrast, was usually dominated by its church, since it could have neither a permanent market nor a second church. A city was the site of a cathedral, and was usually dominated by it.
medival villagers did because they had more say in their village rules than townsfolk did in the town rules.
YES IT IS A MEDIEVAL TOWN . IT was built by the saxo0ns
Long Streets, Yet Strait of the Medieval Town is a poem about a medieval town. It was written by Emmanuel George Cefai.
the king made the rules
Medieval Jesters traveled from castle to castle, in the Medieval town.
It wnet into the street or into a town dump
Guilds organized trade in medieval cities and towns.