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they were used for taking down masts of ships

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Q: What were carcasses used as in the Revolutionary War?
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Continue Learning about General History

Were red coats used in the civil war?

no, that was the revolutionary war

Was the hand grenade used in the American Revolutionary War?


Did the Revolutionary War have submarines in it?

No, not really, submarines were first used successfully in the Civil War.

Was lord Cornwallis in the civil war or the Revolutionary War?

he was in the revolutionary war

How many bayonets were used in the revolutionary war?

none it came out in the 1800s

Related questions

What device was used in the revolutionary war that decapitated?

No device decapitated people in the revolutionary war. It was in the French Revolution that the guillotine was used.

Were red coats used in the civil war?

no, that was the revolutionary war

Is it the American revolution or the Revolutionary War?

It doesn't matter. It is commonly used "the revolutionary war" but either way is fine.

What animals were used in the Revolutionary War?

Horses were widely used in America's Revolutionary War. Dogs and birds were other animals that were also utilized for the war effort.

Why was the continental constitution called in the Revolutionary War?

The original constitution used during the Revolutionary War was called the Articles of Confederation.

When was the first submarine used in an American war?

The "Turtle" in the Revolutionary War.

What American war were submarines first used in?

Revolutionary War 1776.

In what war was submarine warfare first used?

The US revolutionary war

Website about the Revolutionary War About the revolutionary All the caused for the Revolutionary War Cause of Revolutionary War Causes of American Revolutionary War Causes of Revolutionary War Causes?


How many weapons were used in the revolutionary war and what type of weapons were involeved?

seventy-two different weapons were involved in the revolutionary war.

How was the Revolutionary War fought?

The Revolutionary War was fought by the Americans against the British. They used muscats, cannons, swords and lots of guns.

What pistols were used in the Revolutionary War and how?

the cool ones