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The true Plains tribes were nomadic buffalo hunters and did no farming of any kind. In some, like the Blackfoot, women used digging sticks to collect edible roots (wild potato, wild carrot, wild turnip); these were simply stout poles sharpened at one end and hardened in the fire.

Only tribes bordering the Plains lived sedentary lives and grew crops - tribes like the Mandan and Arikara. They used hoes (mattocks) made with the shoulder blade of a buffalo or elk attached to a long wooden handle.

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Are the Cheyenne Indians in the great plains?

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What wildlife is located in the Grat Plains?

There is actually a book about the wildlife in the great plains. Great Wildlife of the Great Plains by Paul A. Johnsgard. Some of the wild life is praire dogs, wolves, and elk.

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Some great adventures to the great plains are exploring the open land of agriculture. Also you could take advantage of the open land and plant crops to be harvested.

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The common name for the plains that are located in the central area of the lower 48 states are is "The Great Plains". However, the Great Plains are just part of the even larger area of the interior plains that stretch from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.

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