assembly line
Henry Ford perfected the assembly line along with your mama.!
ford as in ford automotive in detriot he made the assembly line famous.
Assembly line mass production required coordination, cooperation and an understanding of continuous flow operations.
The national Assembly was created ,
B. Efficiency is increased.
cheaper cars
B. Efficiency is increased.
Increased worker satisfaction and job security were not direct results of the use of the assembly line. Instead, the assembly line typically led to repetitive work, reduced job flexibility, and increased management control over workers.
B. Efficiency is increased.
The Assembly line.
The assembly-line manager or supervisor is only responsible for the line that he or she oversees
He did not invent the assembly-line
The assembly-line manager or supervisor is only responsible for the line that he or she oversees
Front Line Assembly was created in 1986.
Apple Assembly Line ended in 1988.
Apple Assembly Line was created in 1980.