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Both were fought between communist northerners and non-communist (free world) southerners.

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Q: What were the similarities between the Korean and the Vietnamese war?
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Is the Korean war the same thing as the cold war?

The Korean War was one of the larger conflicts of the Cold War, along with the Vietnamese War (which lasted a lot longer).

Do Vietnameses hate Koreans?

Vietnam War: South Korean Tiger brigade killed many Communist Vietnamese. Yes, Korean troops killed ( Communist) Vietnamese ruthlessly. Killed Thousands of them. Yes, after Vietnam War. Vietnam has many mixed racial half Korean-Vietnamese childrens. Yes, many Vietnamese woman marry Korean farmers. Yes, some couples make to be good couples. But majority of them end up divorce. Vietnamese have street gangs whereas Koreans have " Korean Mafia or Korean-Japanese Mafia" . Vietnamese street gangs are " Turf" oriented whereas Korean Mafia is just business oriented. As long you don't interfer Korean Mafia business pretty much they leave you alone.

What did most northerners want prior to the US Civil War?

Northern English? Northern American? Northern Vietnamese? Northern Korean?

How was Vietnam War different from the Korean war?

{| |- | The Korean War was supported by more than just the United States. NATO forces assisted in many ways. Vietnam was pretty much a US only conflict, while China supported the North Vietnamese. |}

What was the difference between north Vietnamese and Vietcong?

North Vietnamese are inhabitants of North Vietnam, while Vietcong are Vietnamese warriors during the Viet war.

Was the Vietnamese war actually a war?

An armed conflict between warring nations; yes.

What has the author Joe Porcelli written?

Joe Porcelli has written: 'The photograph' -- subject(s): Fiction, Korean Americans, Orphans, Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975, Korean War, 1950-1953

Did the Korean war bring peace between the north and south?

The Korean War brought an Armistice. An Armistice is a truce.

Was the 20th century an age of war?

Yes. Here are some.World War One; 1914-1918World War Two; 1939-1945The Korean Conflict; 1950-1953The Vietnamese War; 1959-1979

Why the Koreans joined the Korean war?

Well the Korean War was basically the war between the North Korea and South Korea, as the name Korean War says, which meant that Koreans were the cause of the war and was the one that fought in war.

What was major difference between the Korean war and the vietnam war?

The Vietnam War ended in a close decisive communist victory while the Korean War did not