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Q: What were the worst concentration camps and where are they located?
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What camps were the gas chambers located in during the holocaust what were the names of the camps?

concentration camps.

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A prisoner in charge at the camps (concentration camps, death camps, forced labor camps) during the Holocaust. These people were typically non-Jewish (Jews were treated the worst in the camps).

What are some famous concentration camps and why?

The most famous concentration camp is Auschwitz because it was one of the biggest death camps, located in Poland.

Where were the concentration camps located in North Carolina?

north carolina

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What were Holocaust concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

What were concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

Where were Concenration camps?

Concentration camps were mostly located in Poland. In Poland was the main Concentration camp of all Auswitch were mostly all th Jews were sent

What were concentration camps located?

germany,france,russie,norway and berlin

What countries were helping Nazis run the concentration camps?

The areas where the concentration camps were located was under Nazi control e.g. Auschwitz in Poland. Germany occupied it in 1939.

Where were the most famous World War 2 concentration camps?

The most famous World War 2 concentration camps were located in Auschwitz (Poland), Dachau (Germany), and Treblinka (Poland). These camps were established by the Nazi regime and were responsible for the imprisonment and killing of millions of people during the Holocaust.

What was the Havant Pals?

i large variety of concentration camps located in the middle of poland