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The Orchestra.

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Q: What were they called in Greek theater?
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What was the greek theater called?

It was called an amputheatre It was called an amputheatre

What is a greek outdoor theater called?

It's called an amphitheater.

How did the Greek Theater start?

Greek theatre seems to have arisen from songs and games to praise Dionysos (He was called Bacchus in Rome).

What is a greek concert hall called?

Theater is the name for it. One of the most famous ones, still in good repair, is at Epidauros. An amphitheater is a Roman, not Greek, invention.

What are the differences of greek theater and modern theater?

Greek theatre did not have woman, modern theatre does have women.

What is the ancient Greek word for theater?

the word theater in ancient greek means ear-hearing

Is deus ex machina greek?

The word is Latin but it has its origins in Greek theater. A Greek diety would be hoisted on stage with a mechane where a scene called for the diety to be in flight.

What did greek theater originally celebrate?

Greek Theater originaloly celebrated religious festivals that honored Dionysus

Who is the Greek god of theater?

In the Greek mythology, Dyonisus, the God of wine and grape harvest, although not extrictly the God of theater, it was during the festivities dedicated to him that the dramatic representations took place, during the festivals called 'City Dionysia'.

When was the greek theater built?

The Greek Theater was built in 1929. The history of the theater dates back to 1882. The owner made his money in the gold mining fields and purchased the land the theater was built on.

Who was the god of wine and theater?

The Greek god of wine and theater was Dionysus.

Where are Greek plays held?

in the odeon. Its an ancient greek theater.