If a superhero was in the middle of a fight and had to go to the bathroom they would likely hold it in until they had time to relieve themselves.
in the middle ages shields were used to block other enemie's swords in Battle. the design on them are significant because they would either show one's title or contrite they fight for.
they would fight alone
According to the code of Chivalry, knights in the middle ages would learn to fight and serve their leige lord. Knights should be brave and show qualities of loyalty and generousness.
If it was a fist fight I would say the cyclops. But if it were a battle of brains the minotaur.Answer 2:There was no such fight, so what is the use guessing?
The two sides would generally line up and charge at each other. They would fight hand to hand until so many were dead that one side won. If there was a castle the opposing army would attack the walls of the castle in various ways until the walls were breached.
Green Lanteren
Batman Batman knows every secret and weakness of every superhero. He already knows how to beat Green Lantern if they had to fight.
The Incredible Hulk
considering your average human in the form of o conner can defeat the terminator batman or any superhero should be able to kick his butt.
Gender Man sounds like an interesting character, but I'm not quite sure how his powers would be him a superhero. How would this power aide him in fighting crime or bad guys?
he would jump
That would be Superman. He was the first superhero, actually. Before him, there were superhero-like people, such as Zorro, The Phantom, and The Shadow.
"A superhero is a type of stock character dedicated to protecting the public." source wikipedia.Without the help of the bravest, boldest superhero around, the town would be in flames.
i would have to stop time to :3
well clank wakes up in a middle of a fight. Then you have to finish the fight and you would have a clip