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Hitler was elected chancellor in 1933.

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Q: What year did Nazis come to power in Germany?
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What year did the Nazis start to make coins?

The first coins of the Third Reich were minted in 1933, the year that the Nazis seized power.

What year did Nazis take over germany?

They took control in 1933 and secured it in 1934.

What year did Hitler and the Nazis come along and the Dales first attacked?

Hitler and the Nazis first came into power in 1933, and the Daleks first serial in Doctor Who "The Daleks" aired in late 1963 to early 1964, 30 years later.

What year did the franck family leave Germany and where do they go?

the franks left germany to aviod being herrased because of there religion and they stayed in the seceret annex in Amsterdam , holland

When and by whom was the first motorway opened in Germany?

The first road of this kind was completed in 1932 between Cologne and Bonn. It was opened by Konrad Adenauer the Mayor of Cologne on 6 August 1932, a year before the Nazis came to power.

More about Anne Frank's childhood?

During Anne Frank's childhood, the Frank family moved from Germany to Amsterdam. This was on 1933, the year the Nazis gained control over Germany.

What year did Hitler become learder of the Nazis?

He joined the party in 1919, and became its chairman in 1921. He became chancellor of Germany in 1933, and became the "Führer" ("Leader") of Germany in 1934.

What year did the Nazis invade Romania?

Romania was not invaded by Nazi Germany, it was an ally of Hitler agaist the Soviet Union.

Year that Hitler became leader of Germany?

Depends on the definition of "comes to power." If that definition means when he officially took power then 1938 is the year you want. If you want the year he consolidates his power and achieves a totalitarian state, then 1941 is the year you want

What year did the Nazis leave from France?

The Nazis were thrown out of France in 1944.

When did anne frank leave Germany?

Anne Frank and her family left Germany in 1933, shortly after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. They moved to Amsterdam in the Netherlands to escape persecution as Jews in Germany.

What year did Germany first come up with the idea of the Christmas Tree?
