


History of Germany

German history stretches from the Roman Era, colonialism of Africa, to its reunification in 1990. Martin Luther, Ludwig van Beethoven and Adolf Hitler are some of the historically significant persons that came from Germany.

3,050 Questions

What divided east and west europe?

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The Iron Curtain divided East and West Europe during the Cold War. It was a symbolic and physical boundary separating the communist countries of Eastern Europe from the capitalist countries of Western Europe.

Where is prussia in todays maps?

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Prussia no longer exists as a modern state. It was a historical state in Europe that encompassed parts of present-day Germany, Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. The region that was once Prussia is now divided among different countries and does not exist as a separate entity on today's maps.

What is a checkpoint How many are there?

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A checkpoint is a designated spot along a route where travelers can stop for inspection or verification. The number of checkpoints can vary depending on the location and purpose, ranging from just a few to several throughout a journey.

Why do you think hydrogen was used in the past to make zeppelins blimps float in the air?

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Hydrogen was used in the past to make zeppelins and blimps float because it is lighter than air and provides buoyancy. Despite its flammability, hydrogen was readily available and cheaper than helium, making it a common choice for early airships.

Who was the iron chancellor?

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Otto von Bismarck, a prominent German statesman in the 19th century, was known as the "Iron Chancellor." He was instrumental in unifying Germany and served as the architect of German unification under the leadership of Prussia. Bismarck's political acumen and pragmatic approach to diplomacy earned him the nickname.

Who did Germany gain their independence from?

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Before 1871, when German united, there was no occupying power, but a patchwork of duchies, principalities, and minor kingdoms which traded allegiances and religious fidelities to what ever power was convenient.

What changes in German government occurred as a result of unification?

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Following German unification in 1990, the government in West Germany was maintained, but the Bundestag was expanded to accommodate representatives from the former East Germany. The capital was moved back to Berlin from Bonn, and the Bundestag and Bundesrat were established in the Reichstag building.

What is the total area of East Berlin?

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The total area of East Berlin was around 408 square kilometers.

What are some important dates in German history?

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Some important dates in German history include January 18, 1871, when Germany was officially unified as a nation; November 9, 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell, leading to the reunification of East and West Germany; and May 8, 1945, when Germany surrendered in World War II, ending the war in Europe.

What were the good and bad effects of nazism?

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Good effects: The Nazi regime implemented various public works projects that helped stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment during the Great Depression. They also introduced social welfare programs and implemented policies that aimed to improve the standard of living for some Germans.

Bad effects: Nazism led to the systematic persecution and genocide of millions of people, including Jews, disabled individuals, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other marginalized groups. The regime was responsible for widespread human rights abuses, the outbreak of World War II, and the devastation of European countries. Additionally, the ideology of Nazism promoted racism, anti-Semitism, and totalitarianism.

What is the name of the zeppelin blimp that blew up because of the hydrogen?

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The zeppelin blimp that blew up due to hydrogen was called the Hindenburg. The disaster occurred in 1937 when the Hindenburg caught fire while attempting to dock in New Jersey, resulting in a tragic loss of life.

Marx helped to write The Communist Manifesto which stated that all men were born free but that society had got to such a state that the majority were?

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exploited by a small elite. He argued for a classless society where resources were shared equally among all members, rather than being held privately by a few. Marx believed that this would create a more just and equitable society for all individuals.

Who are the characters of nibelungenlied?

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The main characters in the Nibelungenlied include Siegfried, Kriemhild, Hagen, Gunther, and Brünhild. Siegfried is a prince and hero, Kriemhild is his wife, Hagen is a vassal to Gunther, who is the King of Burgundy, and Brünhild is a queen who marries Gunther. The epic poem tells of their intertwined fates and the tragic events that unfold.

What did the Berlin Wall symbolize?

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The Berlin Wall symbolized the division between East and West Germany and the larger ideological divide between communism and capitalism during the Cold War. It served as a physical barrier to prevent East Germans from fleeing to the West. Its fall in 1989 marked the end of the Cold War era and signaled the reunification of Germany.

What is the largest building on earth?

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The largest building on earth by floor area is the New Century Global Center in Chengdu, China. It has a total floor area of 1.7 million square meters.

How long were men gone during the Crusades?

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Men who participated in the Crusades were typically gone for several years, with some staying away for as long as a decade or more. The duration of their absence depended on factors such as the specific Crusade they joined, the distance to travel, and the successes or setbacks encountered during the campaign.

German laws passed in 1819 that imposed press censorship and suppressed freedom of speech?

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The laws you are referring to are called the Carlsbad Decrees. They were a set of laws enacted by the German Confederation in response to liberal and nationalist movements. The decrees aimed to censor the press, restrict freedom of speech, and suppress student organizations to maintain autocratic rule. The measures were intended to prevent uprisings and limit political dissent in the aftermath of the Napoleonic era.

What was regarded by Bismark as Prussia's main rival for leadership of German people?

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Prussia's main rival for leadership of the German people, according to Bismarck, was Austria. This rivalry culminated in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. Bismarck sought to weaken and marginalize Austria's influence over the German states to establish Prussian dominance in a unified Germany.

What party would dominate the Reichstag in July 1932?

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In July 1932, the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party) emerged as the largest party in the Reichstag, winning 37.4% of the votes. However, no single party had an outright majority, which led to a fragmented political landscape and difficulty in forming a stable government.

Did the Nazi Regime affect human rights in Germany 1933-1939?

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Yes, the Nazi regime severely impacted human rights in Germany from 1933 to 1939. They systematically violated the rights of Jews, homosexuals, disabled individuals, political dissidents, and others, through policies like the Nuremberg Laws, forced labor, persecution, and eventually the Holocaust. These actions demonstrated a complete disregard for basic human rights and resulted in widespread oppression, discrimination, and violence.

When did Johan Otto von Spreckelsen die?

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Johan Otto von Spreckelsen died on March 16, 1987.

When and why was Bismarck removed from his position as Chancellor of Germany?

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Bismarck was removed from his position as Chancellor of Germany in 1890. This happened because Emperor Wilhelm II wanted to pursue a more aggressive foreign policy and saw Bismarck as an obstacle. Additionally, Bismarck's popularity waned due to a series of failed policies and conflicts with other political factions.

What did the hanseatic league control?

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The Hanseatic League controlled trade in the Baltic Sea and North Sea regions during the medieval period. It formed a network of merchant guilds and dominated trade routes, establishing their own trading posts and warehouses in various cities along the coast. They regulated and protected their merchants' interests, ensuring the flow of goods and maximizing their profits.

What divided Europe into communist east and democratic west?

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The division of Europe into communist east and democratic west was primarily a result of the post-World War II geopolitical landscape. The Soviet Union, seeking to expand its influence, established communist governments in Eastern European countries known as the Eastern Bloc. Meanwhile, Western Europe, with the support of the United States, embraced democratic principles and formed organizations like NATO to counterbalance Soviet power. The divide was solidified by the construction of the Berlin Wall, which physically separated East and West Germany.

What was Bismarck's title in Germany?

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Bismarck's title in Germany was Chancellor (Reichskanzler).