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Mythology does not come with year-to-date calendars of a deities birth.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Horus is a deity in Egyptian myth; not a actual living person.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Isis was said to have given birth to Horus at Khemmis, thought to be located on the Nile Delta.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Horus is a god not a pharaoh

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Q: What year was horus born?
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What year was horus born in?

Egyptian myth does not tell the year of Horus's birth.

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Horus Engels was born in 1914.

When did horus turn into a god?

Horus was born a god.

When did horus become a god?

Horus was born a god.

Was horus born 1550 BC?

No. Horus was a mythological being. There are written stories about Horus that date back to 2400 BCE.

Was horus born to a virgin?

Everyone is born a virgin.

Why is horus is important?

Horus is important because he is the sun god. Like Jesus he is the sun. The simularities between Horus and Jesus is uncanny. The whole born from the virgin Mary is the same as horus. Horus was born to the virgin Isis also known as Maria. Horus and Jesus are both born on 25th of December, were crucified, dead for three days and resurected. Jesus is the sun. We worship the sun. The sun of God.

When was the ancient Egyptian God Horus born Month and day?

Horus was born in a swamp on the last day of the Egyptian Khoaik which is November 15th on our calenders.

Was horus born first out of the three gods?

Which three gods; where Horus the Elder is the brother of Osiris and Set, it is not said which is elder.

Who is the the son of osiris?

Horus was the son of osiris.

Was the ejyptians god Horus born on December 25?

No; Nut gave birth first to Osiris. On the second day Horus was born, Seth on the third, Isis the fourth, and Nephthys on the fifth day.

How do you tell if you are a Egyptian special one?

Be born On june 28 being a egyptian special one means you are the son of isis and osiris and means you are there son horus and horus came up with the eye of horus plus you are a egyptian god