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i hate it

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Q: What you think about the holocaust?
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What did the holocaust accomplish that you still use now?

I think you misunderstand the holocaust. The holocaust is the murder of 6 million Jews and others. There is nothing accomplished or used from the holocaust.

What did people think about the holocaust?

It was bad

How many people were killed in the Iran Holocaust?

I don't think there is anything called the 'Iran Holocaust'.

What do x-rays have to do with the Holocaust?

Nothing I can think of.

What did people in Allied countries think when they heard about the Holocaust in World War 2?

what did people think of the holocaust that was reported during world war two?

What other had some thing to do with the Holocaust?

i think that it wasn't just hate, i think that it was something personal that had to do with the holocaust. The Germans had some personal business with the Jew's.

Who was the US president during the Holocaust and what he think of the Holocaust?

Franklin D Roosevelt was president. Not sure about how he felt about it.

How many children in the Holocaust's parents died during the Holocaust?

11 million people were killed. Think about that.

Did women fight in the Holocaust?

No one fought in the holocaust. People died in the holocaust. People killed people in the holocaust. There was no fighting by men or women....but jsut because there was no fighting, don't think it was peaceful.

What is good about the holocaust?

I can think of no good to come from this horror

Why did two world wars start in Europe?

I think because of the Holocaust, most of the concentration camps were in Europe.

What does the Holocaust stand for?

I don't think that the Holocaust actually "stands for" anything. It provides an illutration of certain things, but that is another matter.