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US presidents are elected every four years, in years divisible by 4. Election day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

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Q: When are presidents of the US elected?
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Who were the us presidents elected to one term?


What are two different days that US Presidents are elected?

Not sure what you mean. The US president is elected on one day.

Where are US Presidents elected?

In voting booths around the US on election day.

Do the US president not have a condition to have served in the US Army?

US Presidents do not have to have served in the military in order to be elected.

What are the terms for the US president?

US Presidents have always been elected for a four year period

What presidents were not citizens of the US and were elected?

None. The US Constitution requires the President to be a natural born citizen.

When was President Obama appointed?

In the US, Presidents are elected, not appointed. President Obama was elected in November 2008, and he took office in January 2009.

How many presidents in the US have been elected as president?

38 of the 43 US Presidents were elected to the position; the other five (Tyler, Fillmore, A. Johnson, Arthur and Ford ) moved up to fill a vacancy after the president died or resigned and were never actuallly elected to be President. (Four others first took the office by moving up from vice-president, but were then elected to a term of their own.)

How many presidents have had living parents when first elected?

US Grant, John Kennedy and George W. Bush had two living parents when they were elected.

Us presidents inaugarated more than twice?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected several times.

Egyptian presidents are .?

A+ Egyptian presidents are Not Directly elected by the voters

How many presidents where elected from the Republican Party?

25 presidents form the repulican party were elected to be the president of the USA.