The golden rule of Confucius is "Do not do unto others that you do not want to do unto you"
Han emperors based their rule on the teaching of Confucius.
Yes, the Han Dynasty agreed with Confucianism.
Confucius was a Philosopher
Cemetery of Confucius, Shandong
Confucius started a philosophy called Confuciunism.
he didn't. he created the religion confucianism.
shi huangdi did not rule by showing respect as had confucius had, ima 6th grader lol
The golden rule of Confucius is "Do not do unto others that you do not want to do unto you"
i think it was mothers who he said that to.
As Confucius once said, YES!
528 bc
i think it was mothers who he said that to.
Master kung was Confucius he was the orginal creator of the "golden rule''
Confucius . I think ?