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Explorer Edmund Kennedy was killed by Aborigines just short of his destination of Cape York on 11 December 1848.

He died in the arms of his faithful aboriginal guide, Jacky-Jacky, who then went on to meet the ship off the tip of Cape York. His body was never found.

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Q: When did Edmund Kennedy die?
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When did Edmund P. Kennedy die?

Edmund P. Kennedy died on 1844-03-28.

When was Edmund P. Kennedy born?

Edmund P. Kennedy was born in 1785.

How many kilometers did Edmund Kennedy?

Edmund Kennedy traveled 108 KM.

When was Edmund Kennedy born?

Edmund Kennedy was born on the Channel Island in England in 1818.

When was Edmund Kennedy National Park created?

Edmund Kennedy National Park was created in 1977.

What nationality was Edmund Kennedy?

Australian explorer Edmund Kennedy was English. He was born on Guernsey, in the Channel Islands.

How old was Edmund Kennedy when he died?

Australian explorer Edmund Kennedy was just 30 years old when he was killed.

What is the area of Edmund Kennedy National Park?

The area of Edmund Kennedy National Park is 9,000 square kilometers.

How many children did Edmund Kennedy have?

Edmund Kennedy did not have any children as he died at the age of 31 before he could start a family.

Do you have any photos of Edmund Kennedy?

No. Photography was only in its very earliest development when Edmund Kennedy died in 1848. No photographs of him exist - only sketches. A sketch of Kennedy can be found at the related link below,

Are there things named after Edmund Kennedy?

Some of the places named after Australian explorer Edmund Kennedy are:Edmund Kennedy National Park in north Queensland, near Townsvillethe north Queensland electorate of KennedyKennedy Creek in Queensland

What did Edmund Kennedy take on his expedition?

two horses and food