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McCarthy's charges of communist spies in the State Department started what has been called the McCarthy Witch Hunt in February of 1950.

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Q: When did McCarthy witch hunts begin?
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Who led the witch hunts for communism in the 1950s?

Senator McCarthy.

How did McCarthy's witch hunts affect the people who were accused?

Suspected Communists

What were the effects of McCarthy?

Like all Witch Hunts; Mccarthy caused desaster to many inocent blameless people!

Blacklisted entertainers were victims of what?

I think that this question is in the wrong category. Do you mean the McCarthy witch hunts of the 1950's?

Who started McCartyhyism?

Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, during the Communist witch hunts of the 1950's.

How might the events in the 1692 witch-hunts be compared to those of the McCarthy era in the 1950s?

the McCarthy era was the same as the 1392 witch hunt because their was lots of blaming to do and alot of people were accused of doing witchy things and they didnt have evidence to back up their reasonings.

What is McCarthy witch hunts?

Joseph McCarthy did not hunt witches, he sought out and persecuted anyone who had communistic values or tendencies, he would oversee hearings and blackballed so many people that this kind of persecution is known as "McCarthyism"

What are some examples of modern day witch hunts?

There are witch hunts in part of Sub-Saharan Africa. India is another place that still practices witch hunts. In 2010, India had an 150 and 200 women killed during witch hunts.

What is an example of scapegoating in history other then the Holocaust?

There have been many witch-hunts in history. Obvious examples include: * The witch-hunts in Crowellian England in the 1640s and in Massachusetts in the early 1690s. * Joseph McCarthy's obsession with 'red under beds', c. 1947-54. * The persecution of the Templars in the early 1300s.

When did witches hunts begin?

it began when people would accuse others that they really hated and thought that they were acting evil and witch.

In the 1950s America was in the grip of a modern witch hunt The driving force behind it was?

Anti-Communist paranoia, commonly known as The Red Scare, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, was the driving force behind the 1950s "witch hunts."

Are there witch hunts now?

There are actual witch hunts going on today in some parts of the world, though the people of the rest of the world know better than to hunt for actual witches. There are things metaphorically called witch hunts going on today in parts of the world where people know better than to hunt for actual witches. Sometimes the things metaphorically called witch hunts are worse. There is a link to an article on witch hunts below.