The Plains TribeS (there's more than one plains tribe) 'began' looooooong before Christopher Columbus was even born.
In the east
The tribe constructed their own teepees . They were a plains tribe so used tepees for shelter.
the Lakota tribe
The Sioux tribe settled at the great plains because when they first lived around the Dakota's, some went out and where Nomadic Sioux Indian's. they traveled out to parts of Wyoming, Oklahoma, and other states in the grate plains.
Powhatan tribe.
It depends on the tribe. Do you have a specific tribe in mind?
the Sioux tribe.
The comanche tribe
No. The plains tribes did and Hopi were not a plains tribe.
no the woodlands cree tribe are the biggest
The Dakota lived on the plains.
The Cree tribe who lived on the Plains, lived in teepees. They made them from buffalo hide. They constructed these homes to be portable since they were a nomadic tribe.
the Lakota tribe
In the east