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it was founded by the Puritans in 1628 they were searching for religious freedom from the king.

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Q: When was Massachusetts bay colony founded?
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Why was colonial Massachusetts Bay founded?

Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded for religious freedom.

Who ran the Massachusetts Bay colony after it was founded?

John Winthrop was the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony after it was founded.

Where was the Puritans' first town founded?

In the Massachusetts bay colony

What was The Massachusetts Bay colony was founded as?

as Massachusetts island

Why was massachussetts bay founded?

Massachusetts Bay Colony was formed in 1630 by John Winthrop as a safe haven for English Puritan families. Eventually Massachusetts Bay Colony and Plymouth colony joined to become Massachusetts.

Was the Plymouth colony or Massachusetts bay colony founded first?

Plymouth colony

What are facts about Massachusetts Bay Colony?

the massachusetts bay colony was founded in 1630 by thomas winthrop, thomas dudley, and a lot of other non-separatist puritans

When did the puritans find Massachusetts bay colony?

The Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. However, it was the Pilgrims who came to Massachusetts (Plymouth) first in 1620.

Who funded Massachusetts?

The Puritans founded Massachusetts. They came to Massachusetts for religious freedom. The bay colony was founded under a royal charter.

What religious groups are settled in Massachusetts bay colony?

The Pilgrims founded Plymouth Colony. The Puritans were the group that settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Is john winthrop the founder of Massachusetts colony?

Winthrop was the leader of the group who founded Massachusetts Bay Colony. He was one of the founders.

Where was the Massechussetts bay colony?

The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded in the modern day area of Salem and Boston in the 17th century.