The first Israelite king was Saul, who became king about 2900 years ago according to Talmudic chronology. The breakaway kingdom of the ten tribes, to whom you might be referring and who were collectively called Israel (as opposed to Judah), began their kingdom under Rehav'am (Rehoboam) about 2810 years ago (Talmudic chronology).
The first Israelite king, Saul, became king about 2900 years ago according to Traditional chronology. The breakaway kingdom of the ten tribes of Israel began their kingdom later, about 2810 years ago. See also the Related Links.
According to traditional chronology it was in 878 BCE.
Thirty years old. It is important to note that when David took power, the Kingdom of Judah had not yet been established. David was King of the United Kingdom of Israel.
Solomon and his father David were heads of a loose federation of Hebrew tribes, known to the Egyptians as Habiru - brigands and herders who were in the Judean hills. The stories of their grand kingdoms are much exaggerated - there seem to be no remains of Solomon's many palaces. The successor chiefs split into two groups - the 10 tribes of the north (Israell) and the two tribes in the south (Judea). It was after that that Solomon's successors established real kingdoms, and they were soon taken over - by the Assyrians in the north, and the Babylonians in the south, then both by Persia.
The nation is approximately 3500 years old. The modern state of Israel was established in 1948.
Only two: the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel, which later merged into Israel.
The modern state of Israel was established on May 14th 1948.the ancient state of Israel was established as a kingdom more than 3000 years ago.May 14th 1948
The land ("kingdom") of Israel.
According to traditional chronology it was in 878 BCE.
It was called the Land of Israel, later divided into the kingdoms of Israel and Judea, but then reunited as Israel.
Ahab established the worship of foreign idols in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, at the instigation of his foreign-born wife Jezebel. See also the Related Link.Monotheism and idolatry among the Israelites
There was not an Israelite empire. There was the kingdom of Israel. David, its founder, established Jerusalem as its capital .
That would be the kingdom of Israel. The Southern Kingdom was called Judah.
When the state was first established, the people who established it were strictly secularists, and there was a militant "rebellion against the past." The name "Judah" is a bit too ancient sounding, too archaic. Israel is ancient too, but it is nowhere near as archaic sounding. In the actual ancient times, when the unified Kingdom of David split into the northern Kingdom of Israel, and the southern Kingdom of Judah, the northern kingdom was renamed "Israel" to rebel against the rule of the tribe of Judah. The northern Israelites, had rejected Judaism in favor of pagan worship, religious split is what caused the division.
Exactly that: the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
"Around 920 B.C., according to the biblical account, Jeroboam led the revolt of the northern tribes, and established the Kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 11-14). "see link "History of Ancient Israel and Judah" below
Israel was established as the stater of Israel in 1948