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Q: Where did the first battle revolutionary war take place?
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In which state did the first battle of the revolutionary take place?

The first battle of the revolutionary war was at Lexington

What state did the first battle of the revolutionary war take place?


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Where did the first battle of Revolutionary war take place?

Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts

On dec 25 in 1776 what important Battle of the revolutionary war take place?

The Battle of Trenton.

In which state did the first battle of the revoutionary war take place?

Lexington and Concord was where the first shots of the Revolutionary War and took place in the providence of Massachusetts Bay now Massachusetts.

When did the battle of Trenton take place on a Revolutionary war timeline?

the battle of Trenton ended i n 1776

In wich state did the first battle of the revolutionary war take place?

It took place in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, April 19, 1775.The battle occurred near Boston. It was he first major fight between the British and he thirteen Colonies.

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Which first battle, where?

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In which statedid the first battle of the revolutionary war take place?

Well, technically the answer is "none", because there were no states in those days.But the territory later became the state of Massachussetts.

Where did the battle of Trenton take place at?

The Battle of Trenton occurred close to Trenton, New Jersey. It was during the American Revolutionary War in December 1776.