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In the 1700s, people only took baths like once a month and in an average lower class household there was only one tub to take a bath in and everyone used the same water. The Father went first, followed by any other older male reletives, then the wife and so on down to the kids. By the end the water was so dirty that you could barely see the baby in the tub, hence the warning, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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They washed themselves with water from a pail

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Q: Where did the people take baths in colonial times?
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I live in Ky and I take a bath everyday.

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yes they take sand baths. you can put a 1inch tray fill it with chinchilla bathing sand and they may roll over in it or not, if they do then they need to take a bath 1-2 times a month.

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sunburn saw it on Hannah Montana lol

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most guys would prefer shower, just because it's quick and easy. most girls would take bubble baths if they have time. depends...showers to get clean....and baths to relax

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They got wet and dirty and had to take a lot of baths. The problem was that there were no baths. They had to bathe in the river, which was dirty.

Do the french people take baths?

yes they do but not every day some take it on the weekends or the set aside a date that they take baths it is kindareally gross I thank anyways yes but not every day you can goggle search it I did!!!!

How was education in colonial times influenced by religion?

In colonial times education was based entirely on the Bible. If you want an example take a look at the New England Primer.