

Where is Ned Kelly well known?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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Ned Kelly was one of Australia's most notorious bushrangers.

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Q: Where is Ned Kelly well known?
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Which bushranger did Sidney nolan poortray of paintings?

Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series are probably the most well known of the art works about Ned Kelly.

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The Kelly Gang.

Does Ned Kelly have a great grand son?

No. Ned Kelly had no known children, so he had no further descendants.

Which bushranger did Sidney Nolan portray in a series of paintings between 1947 and 1948?

Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series are probably the most well known of the art works about Ned Kelly.

Which bushranger did sydney nolan portray in a sreies of paintings he created in 1946-47?

Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series are probably the most well known of the art works about Ned Kelly.

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Ned Kelly is best known for being a folk hero in the country of Australia. Ned Kelly had both a mom and a dad. Their names were Ellen Quinn and John Kelly.

What is the name of the bushranger did the Sidney nolan portray in a series of painting he created in 1946-47?

Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series are probably the most well known of the art works about Ned Kelly.

What was Ned Kelly's full name?

Ned kelly full name is: Edward Kelly!

How many brothers did Ned Kelly have?

Ned Kelly had two brothers, Dan and James, and a half-brother, John, also known as Jack.

Did ned kelly have any brothers?

Ned Kelly had two brothers, Dan and James, and a half-brother, John, also known as Jack.

Was one of Ned Kelly's sisters known as Kitty?

Yes. One of Ned Kelly's sisters was nicknamed "Kittie" or "Kate", short for Catherine.

What did Ned Kelly think about the police in Australia?

Ned Kelly was most disrespectful of the police or, as they were then known, "troopers". He had no regard for either their position or their authority.