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Q: Where was the invasion of Soviet Union by th Germans?
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Was Russia considered the Soviet Union in the 1980's?

Russia was the largest part of the Soviet Union from th 1920s until 1991, when the SU broke up.

In spite of the news of the formation of th eunited nations what controversies remained between the west and the soviet Union?

freedom of speech and freedom of the press

What type of relationship does Romania have with other countries of the world?

Generally good relations excepting relations with Hungary, Soviet Union etc. (in the XX th century).

How did China's relationships with the the Soviet Union and US change during the Cold War?

Since China became a communism, they became allies with the Soviet Union and sided with them, while t th same time moving away from the US because of different views on government and because they had different governments.

Why did the relationship between china and the soviet union change?

Since China became a communism, they became allies with the Soviet Union and sided with them, while t th same time moving away from the US because of different views on government and because they had different governments.

What time did the invasion at d day take?

The invasion actually started just before midnight on the 5 th when Allied paratroop 'Pathfinders' landed in France. The seaborne invasion started at dawn, about 0630 on the 6 th June,1944.

Why did the Germans escape to Texas in the mid 1840s?

th potato blight

How did the allies stop the advances of the Germans in Africa?

The Germans were beaten decisively by the British 8 th Army and Royal Air Force.

Communism during world war 2?

Th Soviet Union were first on the side of the axis powers. Then, they changed sides. after Hitler invaded the USSR. Later on in the war, Soviet Union had broke through the forces of Germany, and were fighting in Berlin (Germany's capital). They were one step away from reaching victory over Germany. After Hitler heard the news, he committed suicide. Later, the Soviet Union had captured the capital, and Germany had been defeated. At the end of the entire war, the Soviet Union had one of the strongest armies in the world. These are important roles the Soviet Union had played during the war. The Soviet Union suffered huge losses in troops, civilians and property. It took them a number of years to recover.

Where do the majority of Germans live today?

The question is far too vague to answer apart from th emost obvious response that the majority of Germans live in Germany.

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Which part of Europe is more associated with communism?

As th Sovet Union 'liberated' the eastern part of Europe from the Nazis at the end of the Second world War, those territories liberated later went under the rule of the Communist Soviet Union. Soviet troops remained in all those countries for about 45 years to ensure the ideological devotion. In all the countries the building of socialism had started (which is the dfirst step to Communism). The countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and to some extent Yugoslavia.