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Q: Which European country imported the most African slaves to the Americas?
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Which European country was the first to ship African slaves to the Americas?


Which European country imported the most slaves to the Americas?

Portugal was the leader. Exporting 5,074,900. Which is 46% of the total slaves being exported from Europe. America imported about 340,000. Most coming from Portugal.

Which country first imported African slaves?


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Saved from Hitler.

Which European country was first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?

Spain was the first country to import enslaved Africans to the Americas :)

Which country imported the least number of African slaves?

North American

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Spain discovered the tomato in the Americas on their many expeditions to the Americas.

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No, it's an African country-

Which European country was the first to enslave Africans to the Americans?

Spain was the first European country to import African slaves to the Americas. After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, the Spanish started bringing Africans as slave labor for their plantations and mines. Juan de Cordoba was the first Spaniard to send African slaves to the New World.

What European country was the first to import enslaved africans to the Americas?
