The 8th amendment
cruel or unusual punishment, or means of interrogation.
It prohibits excessive bail/fines, and cruel and unusual punishment.
No infliction of excessive fines, cruel or unusual punishment.
Protection against cruel and unusual punishment.
The 8th Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that there will be no cruel or unusual punishment. This amendment was intended for those faced with criminal accusations and convictions.
Amendment 8
Cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited by the Eighth Amendment, which is part of the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution in 1791. Please support commonsense grammar.
amendment 3
That is the 8th amendment.
The 8th Amendment
8th amendement outlaws cruel and unusual punishment.
The 8th amendment prohibits cruel or unusual punishments.
The 8th amendment
The eighth Amendment.
The 8th Amendment
The Eighth Amendment