It is acceptable to attack military civilian targets. All sides did it in world war II, Vietnam, etc.
An intensive or sudden military attack
Desert Storm
Because Russia was an extremely difficult country to attack due to its size. The German attack on Russia is part of why they lost the WW2
The Muslim military leader who led an attack against the Christians was _______.
A city-state located on flat, open terrain without natural barriers such as mountains or rivers would be more open to attack in a military battle. Additionally, a city-state located near coastlines or trade routes may also be more vulnerable to attack due to easy access for invaders by sea.
the attack was tragic
The geography of Greece is very mountainous with many valleys around them making it hard for other city states to come and attack them.
The military dogs were trained to be aggressive when the police or military people made them attack criminals or robbers. When military dogs attack people everyday, they easily get angry and start getting vicious.
The city-states' armies were small and not united. Therefore, any attack from outside would surely spell demise. In addition, trade was difficult because of awkward geographical divisions.
It was an American attack on a confederate military base.
expected time to attack expected time to attack
Yes, the attack was a planned military strike.
Yes. They can attack air, ground and sea targets.