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Haha buffalo! :D

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Q: Which two animals were essential for the nomadic lifestyle of the Plains Indians?
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Are the southern Indians nomadic or sedentary?

Southern Indians were mainly sedentary, living in villages or settlements. However, some groups, such as the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole, practiced seasonal migration and had a semi-nomadic lifestyle.

Meaning of nomadic?

Nomadic thus means anything that involves moving around a lot. Nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes follow the animals they hunt, carrying tents with them. You don't have to be a nomad to live a nomadic lifestyle.

What the nomadic?

The Indians were nomadic.

What was the Anasazi's lifestyle?

the lifestyle of the anasazi was that they were nomadic indians they depended on the food sources and water that they had. all we know about the anasazi's is that they built their homes or dwellings in the cliffs for the pretection of the other tribes.

Are plains Indians nomadic or sedentary?

nomadic or sedentary is plains indians

Are the Plains Indians nomadic or sedentary?

nomadic or sedentary is plains indians

What people the nomadic?

The Indians were nomadic.

Are The Wichita Indians Nomadic?

No not nomadic

Are the Comanche Indians nomadic or settled?

no they are not because paleo indians are nomadic and settled

What was the nomadic lifestyle like?

The nomadic lifestyle involved constantly moving from place to place in search of resources such as food and water. Nomads lived in temporary shelters like tents or yurts and relied on herding animals for sustenance. This lifestyle required adaptability, resourcefulness, and a strong sense of community.

A hunter gather life style was?

A hunter-gatherer lifestyle involved hunting animals for meat and gathering plants for food. People typically lived in small, nomadic groups and moved frequently to follow the availability of resources. This lifestyle was essential for human survival for thousands of years before the development of agriculture.

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