'la marseillaise' which is the name for an inhabitant of Marseille (un marseillais, une marseillaise)
Yes, but so did Louis XVIII and Napoleon III.
Odd, isn't it? The man who wrote it, Rouget de Lisle, came from the North of France, and the enemies referred to in the song were attacking the North. But the song was first adopted as a march by the volunteers from Marseille, marching to Paris to join in the defnce of the young Republic.
"La Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France, so-called because it was sung by volunteers from Marseille when they arrived in Paris during the French Revolution. The song was written by Rouget de Lisle. The melody is famous and memorable; the lyrics are exceptionally sanguinary.
Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle wrote the music and lyrics in 1792 and it became the National Anthem of France in 1795.
It was written and composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle.
La marseillaise de la Commune was created in 1871.
"La Marseillaise" refers to the national anthem of France. It was composed in 1792 and is named after the city of Marseille. The song came to symbolize the French Revolution and has since become a symbol of French patriotism.
La Marseillaise is the name of the French national anthem; there is no Marseillaise Day as such in France.
The French national anthem is called "La Marseillaise." It was written and composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in 1792 during the French Revolution. It is a patriotic song that reflects the spirit of the French people.
The national anthem of France is La Marseillaise, composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle.
La Marseillaise was adopted as the french anthem on the 14th of July, 1795.
Grand Prix d'Ouverture La Marseillaise was created in 1980.
The cast of La marseillaise - 1920 includes: Suzanne Bianchetti
La Marseillaise - 1938 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Portugal:M/12
"La Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France.