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he did not exterminate people with blonde hair and blue eyes

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Q: Who did Hitler not exterminate in the concentration camps?
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What are two ways Hitler dealt with world war 2 in Germany?

The made concentration camps to exterminate the Jews

The concentration camps were most closely associated with which of these countries?

Germany is the country most associated with concentration camps, since Hitler started many of them to exterminate the Jewish people during World War II.

What is the true fact of Hitler wanting to kill the Jews?

Yes. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jewish people. This is a true fact. He created a massive network of death camps, concentration, camps, work camps, and ghettos designed for systematic elimination of the Jews and other Undesirables.

What were the camps that Hitler owned?

Concentration camps.

Who made the contration camps?

I think you mean 'Concentration Camps'. These were created by Adolph Hitler and the Nazis in World War II. Used as a means to exterminate Jews and other people deemed unworthy by the Nazis.

Hitler plans to kill the jews?

During the holocaust, Hitler laid down elaborate plans to exterminate all the Jews. Concentration camps with gas chambers and human ovens were meant to carry out the work.

What kind of camps did Hitler?

labor and concentration camps

Did concentration camps exist before Hitler invaded Poland?

No, concentration camps did not exist before Hitler invaded Poland.

How did Adolf Hitler use concentration camps?

Hitler used concentration camps to kill Jew's. who he blamed for the loss of ww1.

Was Hitler in the concentration camp?

No, Hitler never went into the Concentration Camps because, he could have caught diseases like Typhus which were common in Concentration Camps.

How many concentration camps did Adolf Hitler have?

what was Hitler's purpose for sending Jews to concentration camps and what is a concentration camp.

What were concentrtion camps?

Concentration camps were the places that the Germans used in the Holocaust to exterminate the Jewish. They were rooms filled with gas showers.