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Potters - tradesmen and homeowners.

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Q: Who made the ancient Greek pots?
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What were ancient Greeks pots used for?

let me know what ancient greek pots had in them plz.......

Why do greek make pots?

Every ancient people made pots and vases in order to store food and other things. The reason the greek pots and vases are famous is because they were made with great art.

What are Greek pots?

pots made by greek people :P

What use does ancient Greek pots have?

Holding stuff

What type of clay was used to make Greek pots?

pots were made in a kiln.

What did ancient Egyptian potters do?

made pots

when were Greek pots made?

1050-900 bc

Did Sparta and other ancient Greek cultures have bathrooms?

Yes they did. They pis$ed and $hit in pots.

What are some crafts that ancient Mesopotamians made?

Pots, and...... yea

On a ancient Greek pot what were the pots with one handle is used for?

Pouring the contents like a pitcher nowadays.

Who made masks in the ancient greek?

In the ancient Greek theatres by the actors.

What did potters in Ancient Egypt do?

In addition to their other everyday activities, they made pots.